Hope and Gratitude

It has been said that hope is a waking dream (Aristotle) and that gratitude unlocks the fullness of life (Melody Beattie). I fully believe in both.

I often say as I look back on the more troubling times of life, that if I could speak to my past self, I would say “It’s all going to be OK. ” or “This will be a blip.” Don’t we all? How many times have we acknowledged that, in fact, letting go of our attachment to the outcome we desire has opened the opportunity for an even greater ending? One we couldn’t imagine at the time. In order to keep perspective of all of the bounty that bore from the troubles, I like to take stock every now and again. Make a list. It reminds me to reflect on an experience or to simply just move through it and stay hopeful.

As for hope, If I were to list some of my own losses/difficulties and the actual gains, it might look like this:

An unexpected job change : An opportunity to move
Job-loss : A more flexible position that left time to work on other projects
An accident : The outpouring of love and affection / slowing down to see what matters
Being alone : Learning to love and support myself
Living on little : Finding abundance in “enough”
Moving, moving and more moving : Experiencing new towns, new people, new parts of the country. (My free spirit doing the cha-cha slide)
“Failing” a pitch : Learning what needs to be tweaked
Being vulnerable : Being acknowledged
Fighting for my children : Hearing my voice
School as a grown up : The taste of sweet accomplishment
Death of a loved one : The push toward purpose I was needing

And gratitude is funny. One minute you’re driving home from a 3 day training, counting all of your blessings and the next (once home) you’re pulling a fully engorged tick off one son and tending the sprained ankle of the other one just in time for you to grab a dixie cup of wine before the 8:30 meeting you’re leading. This is when the list is helpful.

What I am grateful for:
Good doctors
Earthy smelling candles
Friends that make me feel and behave as if I’m 10 again.
My vibrant mother who teaches me to Keep Going
Challenges – all of them
Clients that gift me
Teachers that stretch me
My bed
My children (see: teachers)
My husband (see: teachers)
Warm sunshine
The sound of bells
The smell of horses and barns (I know, not everyone agrees here)
The list goes on and on of course.

I encourage you to make your lists. I believe when you create the space for gratitude and then share it with the world, it leaves that space you created a little stretched – open to the bigger possibilities just waiting to be called in. Hopeful for an ending only perfection could come up with.


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