It Is Our Light

When we were little we dreamt big. We thought of things with strong feelings — like “Policemen are so powerful and firefighters so brave.” Like: “My mom is beautiful, mighty. And I want to be just like her.” We had big stories to fulfill. Our stories were just beginning and our courage was boundless.

Some of us still have big dreams.

We might dream of some grand thing that encompasses our desires, our gifts. We might dream simply of living a best life, sacrificing nothing in the wake of doing what we love. Or we may love that dream so much, that we wouldn’t want anything, not even ourselves, to get in the way of such a fragile thing.

Fear is what creeps in through the roots of our pain and devours the life force of our dreams. “I’m too old. I’m not experienced. I’d ruin the kids’ lives. I’m not that kind of person.” And yet, every single one of those statements is a whispering lie. It’s a story we tell ourselves, based on the story we’ve told ourselves. Every year since we were little has helped shape our personal story into what we believe about ourselves right now. And our lives right now, is the result of that tale, good or bad.

For the dreamers who dared to do it anyway, congratulations. You get to be the models. And if you’re not living your absolute dream, then you can wonder.

Wonder at what you’d rather do. What you’d love to do. What you’d do if no one at all was effected. Wonder what life would be like. What kind of fulfillment could exist? Your possibilities are endless.

The truth is we are free. We may have circumstances we cannot circumvent, but even these are our teaching moments – our mastery lessons. We are masters perhaps without even realizing it and we each have the opportunity to live unique and full lives. We choose, however, to oftentimes stick to what we know because the payoff is that we are somewhat comfortable if not truly happy. But the funny thing is, once we discover what we really want in life and are willing to jump, we find the world is ready for us. Opportunities exist right now. And the discomfort breaks to awe.

We always have a choice.

I have friends who dropped everything to experience horticulture in a foreign country, created non-profits, moved their family across the country (during middle school), published their own books, or tightened the belt to stay home with the kids.

Where ever we are, whatever we’ve been dealt, we can still dream. The lie is that we are not worthy. Incapable. Not ready. The truth is you must jump before you’re really ready. Or you’ll spend your whole life waiting for the perfect time. So go play your anthem song (Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin” gets me every time) and have fun choosing big.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.” — Marianne Williamson


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