Making Room To Grow

Do you ever look into your closet and wonder what the WHAT is actually going on in there? Looking at the abyss which houses all manner of wearable items that you either love to wear, hate to wear, don’t wear or don’t even know exists in there? Usually around this time of year I make a practice of sifting through the exorbitance and with the conviction of a professional organizer I try to rid the hoggish space of all that no longer serves me. The words “If you haven’t worn it in a year, toss it,” loom in my head like an embarrassing memory. I try hastily to push it away and then it dawns on me, stepping back, how daunted the place really is. The hangers are all used up, the shelves won’t let you cram one more strappy heel and there’s a pile in the way back on the floor that hasn’t been addressed for some time.

Like a bursting closet begging to get clear, we can ask: What is no longer serving us? What’s been worn so many times that it’s time to just let it go? We have habits and behaviors that casually hug the shape of our bodies, familiar, like a favorite pair of old jeans — only to find those jeans are the shamefully ripped ones, the ones no good mother would ever allow her daughter to walk out in. 1991 called and they’d like their stuff back.

It’s an idea to consider as 2015 and 2016 merge. Possibilities, if we dare to dream them, begin to bud from the dark soil-ey places of our fertile hearts. Clearing out the debris, we can make room for them to grow. Last year is behind us and the opportunities of right now are laid before our feet. By getting clear on the clutter of our minds and hearts, we are opening to receive what we really want to manifest.

In the spirit of resolutions and intentions for a fabulous new year I invite you to try your stuff on. Get in there and dig or maybe take it portion by portion. What will happen once the space is cleared of all the unwanted? Your 1991 rules won’t necessarily serve you today so challenge what’s true and listen to your heart when it tells you, “Girl, this one is . . . just. . . no.” Soon enough all you’ll be trying on is the stuff dreams are made of.



  1. Donna June 28, 2016 at 10:55 am - Reply

    This article just helped me realize that when I get the urge to get rid of old clothing and buy new (which is too often for my budget and closet!), I’m really trying to change ME! Thanks Jenny!!

    • Jenny Paulin June 28, 2016 at 7:21 pm - Reply

      Great insight Donna!! (As usual, wise soul) 😉

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