The 3 Things I’m Doing Now That My Kids Are in School (A Spiritual Perspective)

//The 3 Things I’m Doing Now That My Kids Are in School (A Spiritual Perspective)

The 3 Things I’m Doing Now That My Kids Are in School (A Spiritual Perspective)

It’s officially fall around these parts. I’ve just loaded my children onto the school bus for the first time this school year and walked back into the house which feels like it too is heaving a complicated sigh of emotions: exhilaration (man, 3 kids + friends running around for 3 solid summer months is a lot and now there’s. . . quiet), sadness (our fun summer went so quickly and are they really all this old??), anticipation (but there’s so much we’re looking forward to and I know it’s going to be a good one. Like, for instance, I get to have coffee for as long as I’d like this morning, uninterrupted).


The first thing I’m doing this morning is thanking the forces at work in my life. My husband, friends, family, clients, teachers and Facebook Loves that I choose to surround myself with who inspire me every day. And the heavens above which guide my heart – it’s never wrong. There’s the amazing dream I had last night that included my beloved Casey dog. We shared a solid 30 minutes of dream time as we cuddled, nestled and poured big loving vibes through each other. Her happy dog smile is staying with me through the day even if she physically can’t. I humbly realize I am so very not alone in this life and my heart bows to the souls who make it the amazing experience that it is.

The next thing I’m doing is sending blessings over each and every one of the above forces. I’ll be praying for my kids today, asking that God marks this year with growth, wisdom and goodness; that the choices they make will be thoughtful ones and that the protection over their beings is strong. I’ll pray that my journey as a mom this year will be brilliant; that I slip into the flow of ease instead of overwhelm, see the joy instead of the struggle and live ever so fully in the moments of my life.

And I’ll map out, with anticipation and unadulterated joy, all that I desire for this year. I’ll hold the intention of spreading love as my mission firmly in my heart as I make real the next steps of this new year. I’ll envision the scenes: unbridled laughter, piercing love and the indulgence of soul to soul connection.  And I’ll wish this upon each and every one of you.

There are just a couple of spots left to work privately with me this fall. If you’re interested in finding out more – please head here to connect and discuss opportunities. Your year and all the dreams you hold for it are ready to unfold! I’m ready and honored to walk the journey with you!



  1. Donna September 8, 2016 at 12:02 pm - Reply

    Gratitude prayer and intention. 3 fabulous ways to start any day any time! Thanks for the reminder and this morning my gratitude prayer and intention is focused on your wonderful shining light!

  2. Jenny Paulin September 8, 2016 at 4:31 pm - Reply

    Big love to you Donna – Thank you for that 🙂

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