
Hope and Gratitude

It has been said that hope is a waking dream (Aristotle) and that gratitude unlocks the fullness of life (Melody Beattie). I fully believe in both. I often say as I look back on the more troubling times of life, that if I could speak to my past self, I would say "It's all going to be OK. " or "This will be a blip." Don't we all? How many times have we acknowledged that, in fact, letting go of our attachment to the outcome we desire has opened the [...]

Hope and Gratitude 2017-04-12T23:05:40+00:00

Making Room To Grow

Do you ever look into your closet and wonder what the WHAT is actually going on in there? Looking at the abyss which houses all manner of wearable items that you either love to wear, hate to wear, don't wear or don't even know exists in there? Usually around this time of year I make a practice of sifting through the exorbitance and with the conviction of a professional organizer I try to rid the hoggish space of all that no longer serves me. The words "If you haven't worn [...]

Making Room To Grow 2016-02-01T21:42:45+00:00