A Pocket of Time Marked

I had a visit from one of my sisters this weekend. She rustled up her large family and joined mine in an effort to relax and enjoy some time at the lake. Together we packed chips and guac, water bottles and rosé and headed to the beach where we let our big collective family play. Between head counts and sunscreen applications we sat knee to knee gabbing about all things on the heart – like what it’s like to work as a mom with littles, goals we’ve set for the following year, the sad truth about why we have more lifeguards on deck this season. . . We were quickly lost in conversation, holding hands down a path that sisters walk together.

Hours went by as quickly as the pages of a favorite book and eventually we began stacking up the buckets and shaking towels for the trek back home.

My little one, having watched on and off the conversation unfold between sisters, asked us a question that sounded a lot like “Do you want to go to Target?” (As mothers who discover inspiration and at times refuge in our local Target stores, this is perhaps a question which we are predisposed to hearing. We each heard exactly the same thing.) And after clarifying the question, my sister and I each, in exact unison and matched inflection (and having nothing to do with the question whatsoever), said the words “I’ll go to Target!” Turning to each other mid-sentence, we were already beginning to crack with laughter – knowing that only a connection like sisterhood would open such a channel of silly synchronicity.

I don’t think my poor daughter ever got her answer – we were too busy clasped to one another in a fit of silent shrieking, doubled over in the hilarity of the moment. Having slipped right back to the pocket of time marked “sisters”.

I realize something important as I reflect on this and the countless other “magic moments” between kindred spirits: Every now and again, you must carve out the time to get with your people. By people, I mean those that seem to know you better than you know yourself. The kind that when you get together, your mind and spirit morph so that you, without knowing it, find yourself slipped into a space and time that exists only for you. Where you finish each other’s sentences or perhaps begin them together. The little pockets – the magic moments – scattered throughout our reality, where we get to recoup, refresh, and remember ourselves.



  1. Dawn July 20, 2016 at 10:36 pm - Reply

    Yes being with like minded people who really “Get You” is like nothing else – they seem to always finish my sentences too.. I am grateful to be reminded, thank you

    • Jenny Paulin August 2, 2016 at 7:17 pm - Reply

      Thanks for reading Dawn!

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