3 Steps to Your Highest Vision

Carl Jung said, “Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”

I love this quote because as a coach, I believe all answers are within and when we take the time to see/feel/listen to what we truly desire then we open up to incredible potential.

We all have stories we tell about ourselves, to ourselves and I believe if we’re going to tell ourselves a story, it should be a good one. Unfortunately the vision we may hold for ourselves is sometimes one we don’t like. Or perhaps you find yourself living from day-to-day, allowing life to deliver what it will and you find that essentially you have no vision. If your vision for yourself needs some tweaking, you may want to try following the strategies below.

1. Pray, Center or Meditate.
One way to get clear on what your heart desires is to spend some time just being peaceful and open. Whether it’s through prayer, centering or the many variations of meditation, your practice can be a pivotal step in opening to your next goal or even your life’s purpose.

2. Create a Vision Board.
If you’re the type that revels in using your hands and getting crafty, than a vision board may be your thing. Vision boards are often created in a group or “party” setting and so are inherently a lot of fun, but you can certainly throw on your own inspirational music and dream up your new big life all on your own. The intention here is to draw on the law of attraction as you swipe through magazines of images that grab you. Once your images have been cut out, you can paste or pin them to a board which when looked at on a daily basis, can remind you of the vision you have for yourself. Get ready to manifest!

3. Talk it out.
It can be a real gift to spend some time with someone who wants to hear about your values, your motivators and your goals. It’s also sacred time when spent uncovering the things that hold you back, scare the yikes out of you and block your flow. Finding a safe person (a best friend, spouse or hired coach) who will hold the space for you to expand into your vision can be life changing.

Moving yourself forward means beginning first with the vision. Whether it’s setting goals around creating a millionaire lifestyle selling your big idea or a desire to create a joyful and productive week, you can begin with these straightforward strategies to awaken you to your highest vision.

If you’re ready to stop accepting a “what’s handed to you” life and begin the walk toward your most fulfilled and abundant one, I have a spot for you. Sign up with me this fall for an opportunity to work one-on-one in what my clients describe as “empowering, comforting, honest and must have” work. These private opportunities are limited, so act fast!



  1. Bea August 30, 2016 at 8:03 pm - Reply

    Yes! I strongly resonate with this, Jenny! About 8 months ago, I created a one year vision for myself. While it may have been in the back of my mind, I believe my inner spirit kept it close to my heart. I recently decided to look at it to refresh and update if necessary and was amazed to see that almost half of what I envisioned had already come to pass! I now have another good story to tell myself. It feels like magic, but I’m the magician who has the power within to create and attract the life I want.

    • Jenny Paulin September 2, 2016 at 11:05 pm - Reply

      That’s so awesome Bea! Isn’t manifesting FUN!? 🙂

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