Why I’m OK Being the Victim . . . for a little bit

Right now I am laid up in bed, nursing some kind of virus that is making its way through our family.  I was given just enough time to get Gracie back to health before my number came up – for which I am thankful.  It’s never fun to parent a sick Little when you’re the sick Biggie.  But now here I am, with aches and throbs and the tingling tips of toes – remnant battle scars from a bout of frostbite during a cold winter on Michigan State’s campus years ago.

And as I type, tucked in tight amid feather down, I am reminded that sometimes being the one cared for is damn awesome.  I was not woken at all this morning as Patrick rustled everyone up for school.  I only knew it was morning time when the kids ran in to the bedroom to give me hugs (or body slams . . . Its fine) before tearing out to the bus.  “Bye mom!!  Feel Better!!” they flapped.

The remainder of the morning would look like: hot tea, a shoulder rub and working in bed.  Not bad if you consider most of us are walking around needing at least one of these things on a regular basis.

So today is a day of reception.

I am content to acknowledge my ‘right now’ limits.  And I’m happy to receive foot rubs and smoothies and all things nurturing on this now October morning.  If you’re in need of some nurturing, don’t be afraid to ask for what you need . . . and then accept it.

Sometimes we really do need to rest, in order to brandish as heroes again.


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